Book a Session

1:1 Feldenkrais Sessions

In Oakland, CA and Online

Individual sessions provide one-on-one time to address your specific challenges and interests. When you come in, we’ll start with a conversation about some aspect of your embodied experience you’d like to shift or learn more about, and then I will use touch to guide you through a very gentle movement sequence aimed at rewiring habitual patterns in the nervous system. These sessions are great at helping with injury, chronic pain, anxiety, athletic/creative performance, and embodied self relationship. The movements are performed without increasing pain or difficulty in any way. Sessions are about an hour and are fully clothed.

The Feldenkrais Method® is a non-corrective modality, and employs neurology, early childhood development theory, kinesiology, and induction techniques in order to communicate with your nervous system through the language of movement. Throughout our lives, our nervous system finds amazing ways of adapting to physical and emotional adversity by creating patterns that protect the self from harm. These adaptive patterns show up in our daily movement. Chronic muscular pain and tension is often caused when these adaptations become habitual long after their reason for being is gone. Together we will identify the patterns of movement that are no longer serving you, and offer your system pleasurable alternatives. I use gentle, supportive touch and language to take over the work you do in your day to day, and follow functional patterns to new conclusions. Afterward, you can expect an experience of ease, alignment, and potency that will support the life you want to live.

Over the course of several sessions you will begin to feel yourself moving with greater ease through your daily life. It is common to notice less pain and discomfort as well as shifting around patterns of emotion and thought. You will begin to identify patterns of movement and posture that cause you difficulty and find alternative possibilities through an curiosity rather than correction. If you practice any kind of exercise or mindful movement, you will begin to notice improvement in your ability and self-awareness.

This is the beginning of a new relationship with your body and yourself, where we embrace our patterns with love, and the doors of possibility ease open without struggle.

Find all booking options below. If it is your first time seeing me, please book Initial Intake Session. If you have decided to commit to this journey, please consider booking a 5 lesson package (to the right) that will save you money and take you on a deeper road of self knowledge and healing.

My office is currently in transition

Josh’s one-on-one, remote sessions guide me toward a sense of home in my body. As someone with chronic pain and anxiety, it is nearly impossible for me to feel safe and animated at the same time. But working with Josh provides that intersection, and teaches me how to access it on my own, outside of our sessions. Needs are not barriers. I recommend their one-on-ones to anyone with chronic pain, anxiety, or PTSD. I also recommend them to anyone whose psyche is nurtured by words: their precise, playful sense of language made for some of the best cues I’ve heard.
— Anna Montgomery, Administrative Assistant